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Rapid change is a reality in marketing these days. Constant advances in technology influence how we communicate, shop and live our daily lives. As consumers adopt the new capabilities, businesses are having to make hard decisions about which marketing tools (or channels) to use to reach their customers. Big data, search engines, mobile platforms and AI capabilities are just a few of the advances influencing how businesses market themselves. As a business owner, you may be wondering how you are meant to cope with these constant and swift changes. We’ve got some tips to help you keep your small business marketing efforts on track:

1) Be strategic – If you know what you are trying to achieve with your marketing efforts, it will be clear which marketing tools to employ. Uncovering where your customers are looking for you and what they need to hear to come to your business will help you choose an effective message and channel mix. For example, if you are a B2B company, Snapchat may not be the best place to reach your customers. Or, if you have a service business and are looking for referrals to grow your business, enewsletters to your current and past customers may be the best bet. If you do not understand your goals for your marketing efforts, there is no way to know if they have been successful!

2) Be patient – If you peruse the marketing trade publications, you will note that even the big marketing firms with big budgets are still figuring out how to use the new technology. Why not let them test the waters, make the expensive mistakes and determine the value of the latest marketing trend? Many times the “hottest” thing burns out quickly or never really takes off as predicted. When you are looking to make the most out of your marketing dollars, it makes sense to keep an eye on the emergence of best practices before testing the waters yourself.

3) Be flexible – However, we do suggest you go ahead and test those waters when the time is right! Are you excited about Facebook video? Try some out. There is a lot of “tips of the trade” information available to make your test more effective. There is also something to be said for jumping in on a small scale to see how your target market reacts. Your strategy will provide the framework for creativity and risk, hopefully keeping you from completely going off the rails with your marketing tests.

4) Be curious – Ask, listen and observe. Listen to your customers to discern how they find information and what is important to them when it comes to your industry. Or, just come out and ask them through an informal conversation or a survey. Pay attention to the marketing going on around you within and outside of your industry. Keeping an open mind and an eye on the world can lead to inspiration, creativity and a more effective marketing mix.

Just like in your personal life, trying to keep up with the Joneses with your small business marketing efforts can lead to poor strategy and unnecessary expense. Get excited about the latest technology available to your business, but only apply it if makes sense. Just because the big brands are doing something does not mean it will help you achieve your business goals.

Fresh Figs Marketing works with small businesses to help them achieve their goals. We’d love to have a conversation about your dreams for your company. Send us an email or give us a call at 860-670-6595.